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We are the Maryland Coalition for Responsible Transit (MCRT).


The Maryland Coalition for Responsible Transit is organized for the purpose of educating and encouraging public participation in the development and evaluation of current transportation proposals to ensure that transit projects are economically viable, minimize negative social and environmental impacts, and are accessible to communities.


We believe the proposed Northeast Maglev/Baltimore-Washington Rapid Rail's SCMaglev (superconducting magnetic levitation) train project must be stopped to implement more acceptable future transit projects that meet our criteria of a much lower price tag, and much less risk and impact on communities. Thus, we support the "No Build" option. Initially, we worked to stop this project through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, specifically by building public capacity and preparing a 395-page document identifying questions, concerns, questionable data, and analyses, in response to the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) SCMaglev Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS).


Shortly after MCRT's formation, nonprofit representatives began attending weekly meetings with other SCMaglev opposition groups in strategy sessions. We have since recruited other board members from this group. Our current board and affiliated activists represent a broad segment of neighborhoods along the proposed routes from Bladensburg - Port Towns/Woodlawn/ Beacon Heights/New Carrollton/Lanham/Greenbelt in Prince George's County to Linthicum-Shipley in Anne Arundel County.


Most of our board members are career professionals and long-term activists who have accumulated an impressive body of in-depth knowledge about the SCMaglev project and opposition efforts. We continue to recruit members and build this organization.


We are currently awaiting the FRA, which has placed their review schedule on pause.  While waiting, we are conducting letter-writing campaigns, holding briefings, and gathering other like-minded people and organizations to join with MCRT to oppose the building and operating the SCMaglev. Allied organizations come from Baltimore City, Anne Arundel County, Prince George’s County, and Washington, D.C. Several federal agencies, such as NASA, U.S. Department of Interior, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have publicly expressed their concerns and opposition to this project. To see the library of opposition statements, letters, and articles, click on “SCMaglev Opposition” tab above.


We hope you will join us and support us in the fight.  If you can, go to our “Home” and click on the Donate button.  All donations are appreciated.


Do you have questions?  We can be reached at


Thank you for your support!

©2025 by Maryland Coalition for Responsible Transit. Proudly created with

Maryland Coalition for Responsible Trans
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